Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas, 2007!!!

This year Santa must have been impressed with Madilyn because he brought her some very nice gifts. She got a nice doll house along with furniture and a school to play with. She was also very excited to get a new purse and earrings among other things that she was hoping for. She had a great day and was very grateful that Santa was so good to her this year.

Aiden was also on Santa's nice list this year. He was very happy with his Thomas the train table and accessories. He was still very tired from his trip to Vermont and Massachusetts, so about half way through the festivities he had to go back to sleep for awhile. He woke up later in the day to see the rest of his gifts.

As you can see both Melissa and Madi were very pleased with their Coach purses. They were so funny, I think that these bags were one of their favorite gifts this year.

And last but not least, Seth was super happy that his big brother and sister got him this guitar hero video game. He was ready to play the minute he saw it and thinks he is a rock star now along with his dad and sister Madilyn. They are so funny to watch, the game is really a hit. Thank you Melissa and Christopher!!!!!

Overall, we all had a wonderful Christmas this year and hope that all of you had a wonderful day as well. We would like to thank those of you who sent cards or gifts and hope that your holiday season has been enjoyable for your families. We all wish you a very happy and blessed new year!!!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Christmas Boat Parade at Grandpa and Grandma's House!!!

Here we go!! Aiden wanted to be in charge, but required help from Grandpa Todd!!! He is already an excellent driver and along with his excellent hiking skills may have a future as the Captain of a Ship, we'll see. He loved it!!!

This was Aiden's first parade experience. Melissa was out of town, so we took him with us. He was very excited at first with all of the lights and music, but became tired of sitting on my lap. Half way through the event he decided that he would like to walk around the boat and proceeded to go from one side to the other for the remainder of the parade. He also took over the driving responsibilities from time to time, but Grandpa Todd didn't seem to mind. I don't think that he understood that there was water on the other side of the door since it was dark. Overall, he seemed to enjoy it and we loved having him along for the ride.
Madilyn had a good time too and was a great help with her nephew. She got cold towards the end of the parade and sat next to her dad under the covers for a few minutes in order to warm up. Seth didn't attend this year, he had a slumber party at his friend's house the night before and said he needed to sleep instead. With Seth's absence, Madilyn was in charge of the traditional parade duties including; waving to bystanders, providing vocal entertainment and wishing "Merry Christmas" to residents along the lake. She did a great job.
It was very cold that night (according to our standards in sunny Arizona), so we all had to cuddle a bit. Aiden probably got more kisses than he would like but with those cute cheeks so close, how could anyone resist?
Since Grandpa and Grandma moved to the lake the annual Christmas Boat Parade has become a tradition for our family. The boat is decorated with lights and other holiday ornaments (by Grandpa and Grandma) and a parade is held for the community. Grandpa and Grandma prefer to watch the parade from their dock, so we take the family around the lake for the parade. The lights that people have in their backyards are just as beautiful as those displayed on the boats themselves, so it is a wonderful experience and a great holiday event that we look forward to every year!!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Melissa's Graduation!!!

Melissa graduated from Arizona State University on December 14th, 2007. We are all obviously very proud of this wonderful accomplishment and admire her determination to complete her degree. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and is also a member of the international honors society Sigma Theta Tau. In addition to those honors she was also one of only two nursing students to be designated a Fuld Nursing Innovation Scholar. Way to go Melissa!!!!!
Grandpa and Grandma attended her graduation along with the rest of us. My dad (aka grandpa) graduated from ASU in 1958 with a bachelors degree and went on to complete a Masters of Music from Southern Illinois University in 1959, and then a Doctorate in 1976 from the University of Missouri at Kansas City.

Now Melissa and her Grandfather are alumni of the same university!!!!! She intends to enter a Nurse Practitioner program after gaining some employment experience as a nurse. Currently she has accepted a position in the cardiac intensive care unit of a hospital in Sun City, AZ.

Melissa's "learning community" or LC5 as they refer to themselves became close friends throughout the program. Not only did they study together, but got together just for fun as well. They all became great karaoke singers and also spent time at the lake, camping and jet skiing. I'm sure they will all remain friends through their transition from students to their new lives as RN's.

Seth and Madilyn, along with the rest of us, were very proud of their big sister and her accomplishments. They were very well behaved during a pretty lengthy ceremony. We all had lunch at PF Chang's following the graduation. Melissa then flew to Vermont on a red eye flight in order to visit family, she also hopes to see her brother Christopher and his girlfriend Julie along with others in Massachusetts during the trip.
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Friday, December 7, 2007

Highlights From Our Polar Express Trip and Aiden's First Hike!!!

Uncle Seth went along for Aiden's first hike and had a great time, however was somewhat impatient with the pace. He is typically a "speed hiker", so with the new addition to the group creating a delay, he was somewhat unsure about his future participation on hikes involving his nephew!!!

Seth's new hobby is his "Wave" skateboard. It has only two wheels and was rather difficult to get used to, but he is becoming quite the expert. Now he takes it everywhere and is insistent upon practicing every day in order to perfect his skills. He loves it and is having a lot of fun.

We went to the Polar Express in Williams, AZ this week. It was a great experience and everyone had a good time. Santa was confident that all children in this family would be on the "Nice List", including Melissa who was given a bell along with Seth, Madilyn and Aiden. After we returned from the North Pole we had a group picture taken with Santa. Aiden got a little bit tired, so Melissa had to take him back to the room. The rest of us went on a carriage ride through Williams and ended the night with a dip in the hot tub and for Seth and Madi the pool. We had a wonderful time and I'm sure we will continue this tradition.

At the Polar Express Aiden decided that he would like to wear this very handsome cowboy hat that he found in the gift shop. He looked so cute and was wearing it all afternoon. Every time we had him look in the mirror he laughed at himself and usually kissed his image.

This was Aiden's first hike. Grandpa Todd and Uncle Seth took him to the White Tank Park for the afternoon. He was a little trooper and looks so determined to make it. Look out Mt. Everest here comes Aiden!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

An Afternoon in the Lives of Our Pets

This is our dog Millie, she is a 4+ Month old Saint Bernard. She's awesome and has been learning that our cat Elliott is the "BOSS" in this house. She is learning her manners very quickly and is going to be HUGE. She wants to play with Elliott, but he isn't sure that he wants to participate, yet.
This is our cat Elliott who is probably the weirdest cat that you will ever meet. As you can see in the photo, he is sitting next to the pool. He loves water, any water, anywhere. If he hears water "he is running" almost as fast as Forrest. If you are in the bathtub or washing dishes or doing any other water related task he is ALWAYS there. He is also an ATTACK CAT!!! When I walk up the stairs he sits in his attack stance waiting for me to get to the third stair and then he jumps up, running towards my feet usually wrapping his paws around me, biting me in the calf. I hate it, although everyone else in the house seems to find it hilarious. When they hear me scream they know exactly what has happened. Because of this cat, when I am going to walk up the stairs I have to look behind myself to verify that he isn't watching and to be prepared for the attack. He is just a really strange animal, but we love him.
This picture was taken today in the back yard. Millie is learning that Elliott is not interested in playing with her. She loves to chase him around the yard when we let him outside. It is so funny. As you can see, when she gets too close he has to let her know who is in charge. So far she doesn't seem to care.

After about 20 minutes of trying to play, Millie was tuckered out and gave up (for the time being I'm sure). She just looks at me like she is so confused about why this cat is so rude.
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