Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas, 2007!!!

This year Santa must have been impressed with Madilyn because he brought her some very nice gifts. She got a nice doll house along with furniture and a school to play with. She was also very excited to get a new purse and earrings among other things that she was hoping for. She had a great day and was very grateful that Santa was so good to her this year.

Aiden was also on Santa's nice list this year. He was very happy with his Thomas the train table and accessories. He was still very tired from his trip to Vermont and Massachusetts, so about half way through the festivities he had to go back to sleep for awhile. He woke up later in the day to see the rest of his gifts.

As you can see both Melissa and Madi were very pleased with their Coach purses. They were so funny, I think that these bags were one of their favorite gifts this year.

And last but not least, Seth was super happy that his big brother and sister got him this guitar hero video game. He was ready to play the minute he saw it and thinks he is a rock star now along with his dad and sister Madilyn. They are so funny to watch, the game is really a hit. Thank you Melissa and Christopher!!!!!

Overall, we all had a wonderful Christmas this year and hope that all of you had a wonderful day as well. We would like to thank those of you who sent cards or gifts and hope that your holiday season has been enjoyable for your families. We all wish you a very happy and blessed new year!!!!!