Thursday, January 24, 2008

Madi's Braces!!!

Here we go!!! Madi has been very excited to get her braces. This is outside of the orthodontist's office near our home.

This is inside of the office next to the sign in computer. At each appointment Madi has to sign in at this computer. Her treatment will last for two years, so she will be signing in here frequently.

When she initially got into the treatment chair she was apprehensive for a few moments. The technician assured her that it would not hurt, she then relaxed and was a perfect patient.

Her Orthodontist is one of the best and I was surprised how quickly he put the brackets on her teeth. Madi's teeth are very crowded and she still has several permanent teeth that they need make room for so she has springs between some of her teeth in addition to the wires that will be moving and straightening her teeth. I'm sure when her treatment is complete she will have an even more beautiful smile.

And here you go, all finished. She has been doing great since yesterday and is only concerned that she won't be able to eat popcorn for two years!!!