Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We went to Boston for a long weekend to attend Christopher and Julie's baby shower. We had a wonderful trip and enjoyed meeting Julie's family and seeing some familiar sights around the city. We arrived on Friday evening and met Julie and Chris at our hotel. We ordered take out food at a great little restaurant and neighborhood shop called Bob's. Since moving from the Boston area to Phoenix we have really missed the pizza and subs in that area of the country, so we had steak and cheese subs, pizza and several other tasty dishes that we have had to do without since moving to Arizona. The following day Julie had to work so Chris, Melissa, Seth, Madi, Aiden, Todd and I all went into the city.

On the way to the childrens museum we stopped at Dunkin Donuts for coffee and hot chocolate. Seth was very happy to have some time with his big brother and wanted to spend every minute with him.

When we lived near Boston, Seth and Madilyn went to the Childrens Museum frequently and had a great time there. They have almost outgrown the activities, but I think they enjoyed seeing it again. They helped Aiden climb in this big apparatus and I think he liked it and felt like a very big boy.

They have a lot of water related exhibits and everyone seemed to enjoy those the most. Aiden had a great time getting soaked and didn't want to leave that area of the museum.

Following the museum we drove to the New England Aquarium and from there walked to Fanuel Hall to have lunch. We then went to the Aquarium IMAX Theatre to watch a deep sea movie that everyone enjoyed. Aiden was enthralled with the movie during the beginning and fell asleep about halfway through without making any noise to disrupt the film, I was very proud of his behavior.

We all had a great day and later in the evening went to Kowloon's, a great Chinese restaurant on Route 1. Following our meal Aiden and Madi got on the dance floor when the band began to play and danced the night away. Madi was a terrific leader and Aiden was so funny dancing with all of the young adults, I think he was very impressed with himself. It was a very nice evening.

The next day Todd and Seth went to the Celtics/Spurs Basketball game and Madi, Melissa, Chris, Julie, Aiden and I attended the baby shower. It was a great time and Julie's family was so welcoming and friendly. We really enjoyed meeting them and loved seeing Julie and Chris celebrate the impending birth of little Max. We are all so excited and will let you all know when there is any news.