Here we are in our new office. We just moved in and have a lot of work to do, but it is pretty fun since we can all participate. The sign in this photo was our first sign so we are going to keep it and hang it up on the wall in our break room. The phone number had to be changed, so we had to order a new sign.

We just leased a new office that has more room and is very close to our home. For those of you who saw our first location, this is a much nicer space. Today Todd spent some time assembling a desk that I got yesterday at Staples. It took much more time than expected, but looked great when it was complete.

Melissa spent some time there with us today and posed for some pictures. She thought that it was a big improvement and enjoyed seeing some of her furniture again since we borrowed it from our other house that is still vacant. I'm not sure if she will ever move into it again, so we thought that we might as well make use of her furniture.

As you can see Todd had to work pretty hard today on the desk and is really tired tonight.

Melissa thought that she would pose at Todd's desk and act like Todd! She mainly lounged around today, but in her defense she worked twelve hours yesterday, so we'll forgive her.

Here she is attempting to look like Todd on the phone during one of many heated business conversations. I think she did a pretty good job in this one. I'll try to get one of Todd in action next time.

We had this little space and decided to put some children's toys here so that when
Aiden is with us he has something to do. I think he liked it and was able to play with some of the toys that have been stored at our other house for quite awhile. I promised
Madi and Seth that I would add some activities for older children when we get settled.

And finally, this is in Todd's office on the couch.
Madilyn was definitely not in a happy mood this afternoon, so she didn't want to smile. She was a little bit tired of being there and wanted to go home. I posted a video of the rest of the office that will show up in our video section soon. I will add more photos when we get all moved in and I have decorated, but these should give you an idea of what the new office is like. Check back for updated photos soon.